![]() List Of PhobiasFear of the unknown, fear of the future, and fear of a lot of things have taken people aback. But it is also after conquering such fear that they develop confidence, strength, and greater abilities to continue living. There are several people, about 70% who suffer from different kinds of phobias. Phobias are inexplicable, irrational fears of a particular object, animal, place, or event. It is irrational in a sense that other people do not really look at such things as fearful or scary. One who does not understand their condition might probably think they are overacting. When people with phobias encounter their phobias, they experience an extreme level of anxiety to a point of panicking. This is shown by trembling, sweating, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing at times, and of course, the strong desire to flee. The closer they get to their feared object, the greater is the anxiety level. In the same way that if they are taken away from it, they get back to normal. There are several kinds of phobias. All or most of which have names which are difficult to enunciate. A person scared of cats for example, can be called elurophobic, hilurophobic, felinophobic, galeophobic, or gatophobic. Whereas a person scared of dogs is called cynophobic. Ichthyophobia is when a person becomes afraid of fishes and ornithophobia is a condition where a person fears birds. These are all common household pets but for people with phobias to them, they are deadly. Other common phobias involve ants (Myrmecophobia), toads (Bufonophobia), snakes (Ophidiophobia), spiders (Arachnophobia or Arachnephobia), rats (Zemmiphobia), mice (Murophobia or Musophobia), and worms (Scoleciphobia). If a person is generally afraid of wild animals, he or she might have agrizoophobia, but if it involves those which are not even wild, it becomes zoophobia. Now when it comes to dining, believe it or not, there are some people who fear food and they are known as cibophobics or sitiophobics. Those who fear drinking any form of beverage are known as dipsophobics. Others also have a fear of eating (sitophobia, phagophobia). These people probably might have a medical condition that makes them be so. Those with rabies for example, become afraid of water – a condition known as hydrophobia. The sight of water alone appalls them. There are others who are selectively fearful when if comes to eating or drinking like aliumphobics who are afraid of eating garlic, acerophobics avoid sour foods, lachanophobics dislike or fear vegetables in their dishes, and many more. For most people with phobias, it is psychological. They might have experienced something as a child that made them fear the said objects or animals. There are also others which are non-psychological in nature which might have sprung out as a response to a present medical condition. Regardless of the cause, there are now solutions on how to manage phobias. Treatment through therapies and counseling, with intermittent exposure to the phobic item, can help a person with a phobia get back to living a normal life.
Quotes from the team at Phobias: There are two steps in solving a problem. Believing you can solve the problem and solving the problem. Once you have established belief you are more than half way there. You may not always find happiness from your actions, but you will never find happiness from inaction.
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